Bùi Kim Linh, TimTay và ngôi trường mầm non màu hồng

<tc>Bui Kim Linh, TimTay and the pink kindergarten</tc>

I was born and raised in Hanoi. Since I was young, my parents bought me clothes made from real materials without nylon, with hand-embroidered patterns. My mother knitted clothes and hats for me before every cold winter. That may also be the reason why in the future I always choose clothes with rough, real materials and simple designs, but with small, delicate patterns and details. Moving to Saigon when I was over 30 years old, I was still loyal to linen and silk like when I was living in Hanoi. But my difficulty is that I don't have much time to choose fabric and tailoring, so I choose ready-made clothes. I have tried many brands, but in the end I am satisfied, and can be called most loyal to TimTay. 

Previously, I worked in management at several foreign companies in the field of trade and goods distribution. I often have to travel, often having to sit for long periods of time on flights or in cars, so I prioritize choosing comfortable clothes. However, linen - you know - wrinkles easily. As for silk, many times when I enter an air-conditioned room, it sticks to my body, making me less confident when meeting customers and partners. So, even though I really love linen and silk, because of the "pressure" to look "worthy of a boss" I still have to wear some branded clothes, even though I don't really like them. 

After having my second child, I had access to a humanistic and profound education in science, so I decided to establish a preschool education facility. This job changed my life a lot. I am like a fish in water, because I like to serve others, like to discover new things, and each child is a very lively book. Doing this job makes my life meaningful every second of every minute - just imagine what kind of person the little child of today will become in the future, and then they will raise their own children. What kind of person to become…. Just thinking about it makes you realize how many important parts of so many people's lives you hold in your hands. Because I see the value of the work I do, I don't have much of a concept about work-life balance. For me, work is a source of joy, a source of life, and I live a healthy, happy life to do useful work. I love this job because it balances both mind and body, and is emotionally and creatively satisfying. Whenever I feel confused, I go down to plant trees and sweep the yard. Whenever my limbs are tired, I go to class to sew and sing. Every day can be balanced. Living with children, I can "take refuge", be free from calculations, fighting, and jealousy.  

In kindergarten, at first I was both teaching and managing. Clothes must be comfortable for people doing manual work, soft enough, and comfortable enough so that every time you hold children in your arms, they feel nourished by the touch of the clothing material. into their skin. Linen is truly ideal for these requirements. I feel freedom - in the true sense of the word - when choosing what to wear to work every day. I can dress-for myself. 

TimTay is of course the number 1 choice because it suits my style: liberality, simplicity and honesty, but must have a secret charm. You will wonder how you know TimTay, right? Very interesting! A few years ago, when I was buying clothes from many different brands, I often saw a woman wearing very simple linen clothes. She was not a woman who caught the eye at first sight, but Looking at her gestures and posture in the linen clothes she wears, it is extremely attractive. One time, I met her on the street, I stopped her to ask her where she bought things. And she smiled and pointed to her daughter who was accompanying her - the co-founder of TimTay. She said she were going to open a store soon, and I came on opening day... Starting a journey to become a loyal fan of TimTay. 

TimTay has good materials, I hand wash all the clothes I wear - this is really like a calming activity for me, I don't need to iron, just hand wash, wring, and shake flat before drying and waiting for it to dry. just wear it. I like to take care of my things, so my things are quite durable. Luckily, TimTay's clothes get softer the more they wear them. TimTay's design is simple, but quite charming when worn, suitable for many different communication situations, so I can wear it to drink coffee with friends - one of my hobbies - wear it to work, even wearing it to a party is still very confident. 

You may not believe it, but sometimes when I'm stressed, I go to TimTay just to look at a few items. Stepping into the small but beautifully decorated space with a pleasant scent, and occasionally meeting some of TimTay's people and having a gothic conversation, I feel relieved. If you don't feel completely relieved, you can walk, cycle, or read books. I get stressed easily because I'm a perfectionist, but it's also very liberating because just by doing a few things I like, I can easily let go of my worries or worries. 

I hope TimTay maintains meticulousness and care in the stitching of the product. Hard-core fans like me are actually very loyal if satisfied. 


Mrs Kim Linh is wearing Bug Dress Kiki SkirtCasual TopPotato Peel BlazerYellow Potato TopSalted Pepper Pants

Interviewd by Hoàng Anh
Photos by Luân Trần

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