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Participate in earning shopping points to experience exclusive benefits from TimTay. Create an account at Website or Store, you will earn points after each shopping bill. For online orders, log in to your account on the website to view your point accumulation history and update your level. Each tier has a duration of 12 months.
points accumulation channels store - website - facebook - instagram
Khuyến mãi dành cho bạn
Đơn hàng từ 300k
Mã: A87TYRT55
HSD: 10/04/2022
Đơn hàng từ 200k
Mã: QH5G8J0Y
HSD: 05/05/2022
Đơn hàng từ 500k
HSD: 10/05/2022
Đơn hàng từ 100k
Mã: A789UYT
HSD: 20/05/2022
Giỏ hàng
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